Oifisean Dixcart

Tha seirbheisean proifeasanta a ’toirt a-steach seirbheisean oifis teaghlaich do dhaoine fa leth a bharrachd air structar corporra agus cuideachadh ann a bhith a’ stèidheachadh agus a ’stiùireadh chompanaidhean.

Na h-oifisean againn

Tha Dixcart ag obair bho sheachd ionadan gnìomhachais eadar-nàiseanta: Ciopras, Guernsey, Eilean Mhanainn, Malta, A' Phortagail, An Eilbheis agus UK.

Faodaidh Dixcart cuideachd seirbheisean a chuir air dòigh co-cheangailte ri Nevis Urras agus Stèidheachdan Ioma-chruth.

Bidh na h-oifisean Dixcart a ’tabhann na prìomh sheirbheisean a leanas:

  • Neach-dèiligidh prìobhaideach chaidh seirbheisean a thoirt do luchd-dèiligidh, bho thòisich a ’bhuidheann, còrr is 50 bliadhna air ais. Bha tùs na Buidhne mar Chompanaidh Urrais. Bidh sinn a ’cumail oirnn a’ solarachadh Oifis Teaghlaich seirbheisean bho gach aon de na h-oifisean Dixcart againn. Bunaitean agus Urrasan nan dòighean èifeachdach air beairteas a ghleidheadh ​​thar nan ginealaichean agus tha Dixcart a ’toirt seachad comhairle agus is urrainn dhaibh na carbadan sin a stèidheachadh agus a riaghladh do luchd-dèiligidh, mar a bhios iomchaidh.
  • Bidh Buidheann Dixcart cuideachd a ’toirt seachad comhairle agus taic phractaigeach do theaghlaichean a tha airson gluasad gu àite ùr troimhe Àite-còmhnaidh agus Saoranachd agus bidh sinn a ’tabhann comhairle do sealbhadairean phlèanaichean, shoithichean is gheat a thaobh an dòigh as fheàrr air seilbh air na maoinean sin a structaradh.
  • Dixcart provides a comprehensive range of company incorporation and management services in the jurisdictions where we have offices and in other jurisdictions where the secretarial and accounting functions can be coordinated through one of our Dixcart offices. As family wealth becomes increasingly international, corporate entities often need to be established and managed in a number of countries throughout the world. Dixcart reviews each particular situation and recommends the most appropriate corporate structure for the specific circumstances. In the correct circumstances, and as long as substance requirements are fully met, tax effectiveness can be enhanced through the incorporation and management of companies in one, or a number of, of the international business centre jurisdictions, where the Dixcart offices are located. Dixcart also operates a number of Ionadan Gnìomhachais Dixcart offering serviced offices in the Dixcart offices of: Cyprus, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Malta, Madeira and the UK.
  • Bidh sinn cuideachd a’ tabhann Collective Seirbheisean Rianachd Maoin from Dixcart offices in: Guernsey, the Isle of Man and in Malta. Dixcart services include; fund administration, valuations, shareholder services, corporate secretarial services, accounting and shareholder reporting. We also have close links to Stag fund management, in Portugal.