The Malta Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment
Malta Start-up Programme
Malta Permanent Residence Programme
Malta Global Residence Programme
Malta Residence Programme
The Malta Retirement Programme
Malta Key Employee Initiative
Malta Specialist Employee Initiative (SEI)
The Malta Highly Qualified Persons Programme
Malta: The Qualifying Employment in Innovation & Creativity Scheme
The Malta Digital Nomad Residence Permit
- Benefits
- Financial/Other Obligations
- Additional Criteria
The Malta Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment
Available to EU/EEA and Non-EU Passport Holders.
This is a Residence Programme that can lead to Citizenship.
Free movement within the Schengen Zone (26 European countries).
Individuals will be taxed on Malta source income and certain gains arising in Malta. They will not be taxed on non-Malta source income not remitted to Malta, or Capital remitted to Malta. In addition, they will not be taxed on capital gains even if this income is remitted to Malta.
There is no language test in Malta to participate in this programme. English is an official language in Malta, so all government Interactions will take place in English.
Dixcart Management Malta Limited Licence Number: AKM-DIXC
The Malta Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment
Under the new regulations, applicants can opt for residence in Malta, leading to citizenship choosing between two options:
- application after three years of residence in Malta, for a lower contribution; OR
- application for citizenship after one of residence in Malta.
Direct Investment
Applicants who can prove residency status in Malta for 36 months prior to the naturalization, are required to make a direct investment of €600,000 whilst applicants who prove a residency status in Malta for at least 12 months are required to make an exceptional direct investment of €750,000.
If the applicants accompanied by qualifying dependants, a further investment of €50,000 per dependant is to be made.
An applicant cannot apply for a certificate of citizenship by naturalisation for exceptional services, before he/she has proved that he/she has become a resident of Malta for the minimum period required.
Philanthropic Donation
Prior to the issue of a certificate of Maltese citizenship, the applicant must donate a minimum €10,000 to a registered philanthropic, cultural, sport, scientific, animal welfare or artistic non-governmental organisation or society, or as otherwise approved by the Agency.
Property Investment
Once an applicant is approved and prior to the issue of a certificate of Maltese citizenship, the application must either purchase or rent residential property in Malta. If the applicant opts to purchase a property, an investment of at least €700,000 must be made. An applicant may alternatively take a lease on a residential immovable property in Malta, for a minimum annual rent of €16,000. The applicant must retain the property for at least 5 years from the date of the issue of the certificate of Maltese citizenship.
The Malta Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment
All individuals interested in applying for this programme, are required to do so through a registered approved agent, who will be acting on behalf of the client in all matters related to the Application for Eligibility and Application for Citizenship.
Eligibility Criteria for Applicants
The Malta government aims to attract people of the highest calibre through the Malta Citizenship by Direct Investment and grant them Maltese residence, following a rigorous due diligence process and adherence to strict criteria.
To be eligible for the Malta Citizenship by Direct Investment, an applicant must meet a number of criteria:
- Be 18 years of age, or older. Eligibility may also extend to applicant’s dependants including the spouse or de facto partner, or a person with whom a relationship is held through a status which is the same as or similar to marriage, children, parents and grandparents under certain terms;
- Is willing to contribute, through an exceptional direct investment, to the economic and social development of the Republic of Malta;
- Provides proof that he/she has been a resident in Malta for at least 12 or 36 months preceding the day of issue, of the certificate of naturalisation;
- Meets all of the application requirements; and
- Commits to providing proof of residence in Malta and proof of title to a residential property in Malta in accordance with the regulations.
Quota: it is important to note that a maximum quota of 400 applicants per year will be accepted with a total maximum number of applicants set at 1,500 for the entire scheme.
- Benefits
- Financial/Other Obligations
- Additional Criteria
Malta Start-up Programme
Available to third country nationals, excluding EU, EEA and Swiss nationals.
The programme allows for Founders and Co-Founders to apply for a 3-year residency permit, which can include their immediate family.
In addition to this the company may apply for a total of 4 additional permits, for you to 3 years, for Key Core Employees and their immediate family.
The Founders/Co-Founders of the Start-up may renew their residence for an additional 5 years after the initial 3 years, and Key Employees may renew their residence for another 3 years.
Founders/Co-Founders may apply for permanent residency after residing in Malta for 5 years.
Lucrative non-dilutive support measures can be accessed for IT and Fintech Businesses or a support Package for Research and Development Projects.
The start-up Residence Programme is an attractive entry point into a well-connected and versatile economy.
Certain employees may qualify for a personal income tax rate of 15%. Income tax is set at a flat rate of 15% for qualifying individuals
Dixcart Management Malta Limited Licence Number: AKM-DIXC
Malta Start-up Programme
The Maltese company must operate in the innovative or tech start-up space. A Business Plan is to be submitted to Malta Enterprise to review and approve before the residence visa can be approved.
In the case where the Maltese Company requires start-up support or funding, the residence permit will only be approved once funding has been approved.
The main requirements are:
- A tangible investment of €25,000 or a paid-up share capital of a minimum €25,000, and in the case of where there is more than 4 co-founders an additional €10,000 needs to be placed per additional co-founder.
- Each person included in the application must have recognised health insurance in place.
- The Founder, or Co-Founders must be in possession of sufficient financial resources, evidence by a recent bank statement to demonstrate they can support themselves and their dependents, if applicable.
- Key Core Employees must have specialised skills and must not earn less than €30,000.
Malta Start-up Programme
All entities involved in the Shareholder Structure must not have been registered globally for more than seven years, prior to the application, in order to qualify for this programme.
It is expected that the successful applicants will reside in Malta and make Malta their permanent residence and therefore there is a minimum stay requirement of 183 days per year.
Applicants must not have a criminal record or pending criminal charges and must not pose any potential threat to the national security, public policy, public health, or public interest, in Malta.
Must not have previously been rejected for residence status or citizenship in Malta or abroad.
Available to third country nationals, excluding EU, EEA and Swiss are eligible.
Key Core Employee visas may only be applied for if one or more of the Founders have applied for a visa.
- Benefits
- Financial/Other Obligations
- Additional Criteria
Malta Permanent Residence Programme
Available to Non-EU Passport Holders.
- Successful applicants receive a Maltese residence permit immediately, giving them the right to settle, stay and reside in Malta, and a 5 year residence card. The card is renewed every 5 years if the requirements of the programme are still being met.
- Free movement within the Schengen Zone (26 European countries)
- It is possible to include up to 4 generations in the application.
There is no language exam to pass. English is an official language in Malta which means all documents and government interactions will be in English.
Dixcart Management Malta Limited Licence Number: AKM-DIXC
Malta Permanent Residence Programme
An individual must choose between two investment options:
Option 1: Rent a property and pay the full contribution
- Pay the €50,000 non-refundable administrative fee; AND
- Rent a property with a minimum annual rental of €14,000 per year; AND
- Pay the full Government contribution of €60,000; AND
- Make a donation of €2,000 to a local philanthropic, cultural, scientific, artistic, sport of animal welfare NGO registered with the Commissioner of Voluntary Organisations.
Option 2: Purchase a property and pay a reduced contribution:
- Pay the €50,000 non-refundable administrative fee; AND
- Purchase a property with a minimum value of €350,000; AND
- Pay the reduced Government contribution of €30,000; AND
- Make a donation of €2,000 to a local philanthropic, cultural, scientific, artistic, sport of animal welfare NGO registered with the Commissioner of Voluntary Organisations.
Up to 4 generations can be included in one application: Parents and/or grandparents and/or children (up to 29 years of age, providing they are dependant and unmarried) of the main applicant or the main applicant’s spouse, can apply to the programme, at the application stage. An additional €10,000 payment per person is required.
These regulations are effective for applications submitted from 1st January 2025 onwards.
Malta Permanent Residence Programme
In addition, an applicant must:
- Be third country nationals, non-EEA and non-Swiss.
- Not currently be taking advantage of any other Maltese Residence Programme.
- Show they have:
- capital assets of not less than €500,000, out of which a minimum of €150,000 must be financial assets OR
- capital assets of not less than €650,000, out of which a minimum of €75,000 must be financial assets
- Be in possession of private health insurance policy to cover all risks across Malta.
These regulations are effective for applications submitted from 1st January 2025 onwards.
- Benefits
- Financial/Other Obligations
- Additional Criteria
Malta Global Residence Programme
Available to Non-EU Passport Holders: The Global Residence Programme entitles non-EU nationals to obtain a Maltese residence permit through a minimum investment in property in Malta. Individuals who are EU/EEA/Swiss nationals should look at The Malta Residence Programme.
- Applicant’s are granted a special tax status that includes:
- 0% tax on foreign source income not remitted to Malta,
- A beneficial rate of 15% tax on foreign source income that is remitted to Malta (income arising in Malta is taxed at a flat rate of 35%),
- Malta does not impose any inheritance tax, gift tax or wealth taxes.
- Individuals may also be able to claim double taxation relief under the regime. This is subject to a minimum yearly tax of €15,000, after claiming any applicable double tax relief.
- Application process time of 3-6 months.
- Receipt of a Maltese residence permit.
- Free movement within the Schengen Zone (26 European countries).
- No requirement to undertake a language test.
- Documentation, Government interactions and meetings will all be in English.
Dixcart Management Malta Limited Licence Number: AKM-DIXC
Malta Global Residence Programme
To qualify for the programme an individual must pay annual minimum tax in Malta of €15,000.
- An individual must purchase property costing a minimum of €275,000 in Malta (€220,000 if the property is situated in Gozo or the south of Malta), OR rental of a property for a minimum €9,600 per annum in Malta (€8,750 per annum if the property is situated in Gozo or the south of Malta).
Dependant parents may be included in the application.
A non-refundable administration fee of €6,000 is payable to the Government upon application.
Malta Global Residence Programme
An individual who benefits from this special tax status must submit an Annual Tax Return each year to demonstrate they have paid the minimum tax of €15,000, as well as include any material changes that affect their eligibility for this programme.
There is no minimum stay requirement, but an applicant must not spend more than 183 days in any other jurisdiction in any single calendar year.
All applicants and each dependant must have Global Health Insurance and provide evidence that they can maintain it for an indefinite period.
An Authorised Registered Mandatory in Malta must submit an application to the Commissioner of the Inland Revenue on behalf of the applicant. Dixcart Management Malta is an Authorised Registered Mandatory.
The programme is not open to individuals falling into the following categories:
- Has a criminal record
- Is subject to a criminal investigation
- Is a potential national security risk to Malta
Is involved in any activity likely to detract from Malta’s reputation
- Has been denied a visa to a country with which Malta has visa-free travel arrangements and has subsequently not obtained a visa to the country that issued the denial.
- Benefits
- Financial / Other Obligations
- Additional Criteria
Malta Residence Programme
Available to EU/EEA Passport Holders: The Malta Residence Programme is available to EU, EEA and Swiss nationals, and offers a special Malta tax status through a minimum investment in property in Malta. Individuals who are non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationals should look at the Malta Global Residence Programme.
Successful applicants receive a Maltese residence permit.
- Applicant’s are granted a special tax status that includes:
- 0% tax on foreign source income not remitted to Malta,
- A beneficial rate of 15% tax on foreign source income that is remitted to Malta, with a minimum amount of tax payable of €15,000 per annum (income arising in Malta is taxed at a flat rate of 35%). This applies to income from the applicant, his/her spouse and any dependants, jointly.
- Malta does not impose any inheritance tax, gift tax or wealth taxes.
- Individuals may also be able to claim double taxation relief under the regime. This is subject to a minimum yearly tax of €15,000, after claiming any applicable double tax relief.
- Application process time of 3-6 months.
- Receipt of a Maltese residence permit.
- Free movement within the Schengen Zone (26 European countries).
- No requirement to undertake a language test.
- Documentation, Government interactions and meetings will all be in English.
- No minimum stay requirements.
- No minimum investment requirements.
Dixcart Management Malta Limited Licence Number: AKM-DIXC
Malta Residence Programme
To qualify for the programme, applicants must be EA/EEA/Swiss Nationals.
- An individual must purchase property costing a minimum of €275,000 in Malta; OR
- Pay a minimum rent of €9,600 per annum in Malta.
Dependant parents may be included in the application.
A one-time registration fee of €6,000 is levied by the Government. Permit holders are also allowed to carry on an economic activity in Malta.
The applicant must provide evidence that they are economically self-sufficient, as well as any accompanying dependants.
Malta Residence Programme
An individual who benefits from this special tax status must submit an Annual Tax Return each year to demonstrate they have paid the minimum tax of €15,000, as well as include any material changes that affect their eligibility for this programme.
There is no minimum stay requirement, but an applicant must not spend more than 183 days in any other jurisdiction in any single calendar year.
All applicants and each dependant must have Global Health Insurance and provide evidence that they can maintain it for an indefinite period.
An Authorised Registered Mandatory in Malta must submit an application to the Commissioner of the Inland Revenue on behalf of the applicant. Dixcart Management Malta is an Authorised Registered Mandatory.
The programme is not open to individuals falling into the following categories:
- Has a criminal record
- Is subject to a criminal investigation
- Is a potential national security risk to Malta
Is involved in any activity likely to detract from Malta’s reputation
- Has been denied a visa to a country with which Malta has visa-free travel arrangements and has subsequently not obtained a visa to the country that issued the denial.
- Benefits
- Financial/Other Obligations
- Additional Criteria
The Malta Retirement Programme
Available to EU/EEA & Non-EU Passport Holders: The Malta Retirement Programme is available to EU and non-EU nationals whose main source of income is their pension.
- An attractive flat rate of 15% tax is charged on a pension remitted to Malta. The minimum amount of tax payable is €7,500 per annum for the beneficiary and €500 per annum for every dependant.
- A beneficial rate of 15% tax on foreign source income that is remitted to Malta
- 0% tax on foreign source income not remitted to Malta
- Income that arises in Malta is taxed at a flat rate of 35%
Dixcart Management Malta Limited Licence Number: AKM-DIXC-24
The Malta Retirement Programme
An individual must own or rent a property in Malta as his/her principal place of residence worldwide. The minimum value of the property must be:
- Purchase of property in Malta for a minimum value of €275,000 (€220,000 if the property is situated in Gozo or the south of Malta), OR rental of a property for a minimum of €9,600 per annum in Malta (€8,750 per annum if the property is situated in Gozo or the south of Malta).
In addition, at least 75% of the individual’s income must derive from a pension, with a maximum 25% being “other income”.
The Malta Retirement Programme
This programme is designed to attract EU and non-EU nationals who are not in employment and are in receipt of a pension.
An applicant must reside in Malta for a minimum of 90 days in each calendar year, averaged over any 5-year period. In addition he/she must not reside in any other jurisdiction for more than 183 days in any calendar year.
All applicants and each dependant must have Global Health Insurance and provide evidence that they can maintain it for an indefinite period.
An Authorised Registered Mandatory in Malta must submit an application to the Commissioner of the Inland Revenue on behalf of the applicant. Dixcart Management Malta is an Authorised Registered Mandatory.
The programme is not open to individuals falling into the following categories:
- Has a criminal record
- Is subject to a criminal investigation
- Is a potential national security risk to Malta
Is involved in any activity likely to detract from Malta’s reputation
- Has been denied a visa to a country with which Malta has visa-free travel arrangements and has subsequently not obtained a visa to the country that issued the denial.
- Benefits
- Financial/Other Obligations
- Additional Criteria
Malta Key Employee Initiative
Available to Non-EU Passport Holders.
The Malta ‘Key Employee Initiative’ is applicable to managerial and/or highly-technical professionals with relevant qualifications or adequate experience relating to a specific job.
Successful applicants will be issued with a residence permit which will be valid for a period of one year in its initial year. Subsequently, this may be renewed for a longer period (up to three years) provided that certain conditions are met.
Dixcart Management Malta Limited Licence Number: AKM-DIXC
Malta Key Employee Initiative
Applicants must provide proof and the following information to the ‘Expatriates Unit’ within ‘Identity Malta’:
- Annual gross salary of at least €35,000 per annum
- Certified copies of relevant qualifications, warrants or proof of appropriate work experience
- Declaration by the employer stating that the applicant has the necessary credentials to perform the required duties. Should the applicant wish to be employed by a Maltese company of which s/he is a shareholder or ultimate beneficial owner, s/he must have a fully paid up share capital of at least €500,000 OR must have made a capital expenditure of at least €500,000 to be used by the company (fixed assets only, rental contracts do not qualify).
The ‘Key Employee Initiative’ is also extended to innovators involved in start-up projects, which have been endorsed by ‘Malta Enterprise’.
Malta Key Employee Initiative
Applicants are required to have Private Health Insurance.
- Benefits
- Financial/Other Obligations
- Additional Criteria
Malta Specialist Employee Initiative (SEI)
The Specialist Employee Initiative (SEI) is an alternative route for highly skilled third-country nationals (TCNs), who may not be eligible for the Key Employee Initiative, but who hold the relevant academic, vocational or technical skills in line with their employment offer in Malta.
The processing time for SEI applications is fifteen (15) working days, starting from the date of application submission.
Applicants whose applications are approved will be issued with a residence permit which will be valid for a period of one year in its initial year. This permit may be renewed for a longer period (up to three years), provided that the employee continues to satisfy the eligibility criteria and his employment contract covers all the validity period.
Dixcart Management Malta Limited Licence Number: AKM-DIXC
Malta Specialist Employee Initiative (SEI)
Applicants must have secured an employment offer in Malta and meet all criteria of the Single Permit Regulations. Eligibility criteria
· Being a TCN
· Having a signed contract with a Maltese-registered company are eligible to apply.
· Annual gross salary of at least €25,000.
· Possession of
– MQF Level 6 or higher in an area directly related to the employment position being offered in Malta OR
– Other academic, vocational or other certified qualified skill qualifications, which equate to an MQF level lower than MQF Level 6, with a minimum of three (3) years’ experience in a position directly related to the one being offered in Malta. Proof of experience must be presented (employment contracts, certified employment history, reference letters)
Malta Specialist Employee Initiative (SEI)
SEI applications can only be submitted by the employer.
- Benefits
- Financial/Other Obligations
- Additional Criteria
The Malta Highly Qualified Persons Programme
Available to EU/EEA & Non-EU Passport Holders.
The Highly Qualified Persons programme is available to EU nationals for five years and non-EU nationals for four years.
- Income tax is set at a flat rate of 15% for qualifying individuals (instead of paying income tax on an ascending scale with a current maximum top rate of 35%).
- No tax is payable on income earned over €5,000,000 relating to an employment contract for any one individual.
Dixcart Management Malta Limited Licence Number: AKM-DIXC
The Malta Highly Qualified Persons Programme
The scheme is targeted towards professional individuals earning over €98,438 per annum for basis year 2024 and employed in Malta on a contractual basis.
The Malta Highly Qualified Persons Programme
All applicants and each dependant must have Global Health Insurance and provide evidence that they can maintain it for an indefinite period.
An Authorised Registered Mandatory in Malta must submit an application to the Commissioner of the Inland Revenue on behalf of the applicant. Dixcart Management Malta is an Authorised Registered Mandatory.
The programme is not open to individuals falling into the following categories:
- Has a criminal record
- Is subject to a criminal investigation
- Is a potential national security risk to Malta
Is involved in any activity likely to detract from Malta’s reputation
- Has been denied a visa to a country with which Malta has visa-free travel arrangements and has subsequently not obtained a visa to the country that issued the denial.
- Benefits
- Financial/Other Obligations
- Additional Criteria
Malta: The Qualifying Employment in Innovation & Creativity Scheme
Available to EU/EEA & Non-EU Passport Holders.
This measure facilitates employment of non-residents in roles which are currently not addressed by the local labour market by temporarily easing the tax expenses incurred by such individuals through a fiscal incentive. The incentive shall cover employment in a role directly engaged in carrying out, or management of research, development, design, analytical or innovation activities.
Income tax is set at a flat rate of 15% for qualifying individuals (instead of paying income tax on an ascending scale with a current maximum top rate of 35%).
The 15% tax rate shall apply for a consecutive period of up to four years commencing from the year immediately preceding the year of assessment, in which the person is first liable to tax. This may be extended by a period not exceeding five years.
Dixcart Management Malta Limited Licence Number: AKM-DIXC
Malta: The Qualifying Employment in Innovation & Creativity Scheme
The scheme is targeted towards certain professional individuals earning over €52,000 per annum and employed in Malta on a contractual basis:
- For a candidate to qualify, their annual income must exceed €52,000. This does not include the value of fringe benefits and applies to the derived income received from an eligible office.
- Individuals must be in possession of a relevant qualification or adequate professional experience for a minimum of three years, in a role comparable to that of the Eligible Office.
- An Eligible Office shall cover employment in a role directly engaged in carrying out, or management of research, development, design, analytical or innovation activities.
Qualifying Criteria
This measure applies to individuals who
- are not domiciled in Malta
- do not derive employment income subject to tax and received in respect of work carried out in Malta or any period spent outside Malta in connection with such work or duties
- are protected as an employee under Maltese law
- prove to the satisfaction of the competent authority that they are in possession of professional qualifications
- are in receipt of stable and regular resources which are sufficient to maintain them and the members of their family
- reside in accommodation regarded as normal for a comparable family in Malta and which meets the general health and safety standards in force in Malta
- are in possession of a valid travel document
- are covered by a health insurance
Malta: The Qualifying Employment in Innovation & Creativity Scheme
The scheme is available for a consecutive period of up to 4 years and, by application, to any additional periods of up to 5 consecutive years.
- Benefits
- Financial/Other Obligations
- Additional Criteria
The Malta Digital Nomad Residence Permit
The Malta Nomad Residence Permit, enables third country individuals to maintain their current job in another country, whilst they legally reside in Malta.
The permit could be for a period of between 6-12 months. If a 12 month permit is issued, then the individual will receive a residence card which allow for visa-free travel throughout the Schengen Member States.
If the third-country applicant for the digital nomad permit wants to stay less than a year in Malta, he/she will receive a National Visa for the duration of the stay, rather than a residence card.
Dixcart Management Malta Limited Licence Number: AKM-DIXC
The Malta Digital Nomad Residence Permit
Applicants for the Nomad Residence Permit must:
- Prove they can work remotely using telecommunication technologies.
- Be third country nationals.
- Prove they work in any of the following categories
- Work for an employer registered in a foreign country and have a contract for this work, or
- Perform business activities for a company registered in a foreign country, and be a partner/shareholder of said company, or
- Offer freelance or consulting services, mainly to customers whose permanent establishment is in a foreign country, and have supporting contracts to verify this.
4. Earn a monthly income of €2,700 gross of tax. If there are additional family members, they will each have to satisfy the income requirements as specified by the Agency Policy.
The Malta Digital Nomad Residence Permit
In additional, applicants must also:
- Possess a valid travel document.
- Have health insurance, which covers all risks in Malta.
- Have a valid contract of property rental or property purchase.
- Pass a background verification check.
Download Full List of Programmes – Benefits & Criteria (PDF)
Living in Malta
Located in the Mediterranean, just south of Sicily, Malta offers all of the advantages of being a full member of the EU and English is one of its two official languages.
Malta’s economy has enjoyed large growth since joining the EU and the forward-thinking Government actively encourages new business sectors and technologies.
To make life even more enjoyable Malta offers tax benefits to expatriates and the attractive ‘remittance basis’ of taxation. To find out more about these advantages as well as the technical detail, please see the Malta programmes below or contact us and we can help answer the questions that are really important to you.
Tax Advantages when Living in Malta
Malta non-domiciled individuals living in Malta can benefit from the remittance basis of taxation. This means that they are taxed on Malta source income and certain gains arising in Malta but are not taxed on non-Malta source income not remitted to Malta. In addition, they are not taxed on capital gains, even if this income is remitted to Malta.
Depending on specific circumstances, certain Malta non-domiciled individuals will need to pay a capped annual tax of €5,000.
Malt does not impose inheritance tax, gift tax or wealth taxes.
Tax Advantages Available to Companies in Malta
Income, other than dividends and capital gains is subject to tax at Malta’s normal rate of 35%.
However, on payment of a dividend, a tax refund of between 6/7ths and 5/7ths of the tax paid by a Malta company is payable to the shareholder. This results in a net Malta tax rate of between 5% and 10%.
Where such income has benefited from double tax relief or the Malta flat rate tax credit, a 2/3rds refund applies.