Dixcart Portugal – Lisbon Office

International corporate, ship and yacht, and tax services for those wishing to relocate to Portugal

Welcome to Dixcart Portugal – Lisbon Office

The Dixcart office in Portugal is located in the thriving capital city of Lisbon. Portugal is a member of the European Union (EU), and has become an international hub for a host of reasons.

Portugal is ranked highly as one of the best places for business innovation in Europe.


Corporate Formation and Management

Recently Portuguese companies have become increasingly popular internationally, reflecting the increasing interest and economic activity in this country generally.

There are three types of Portuguese company; a Portuguese mainland company, a Madeira company, and finally a company incorporated in the international business centre of Madeira (MIBC). The corporate income tax rates vary significantly for each of these and the choice of company and potential other advantages available, depends on specific circumstances.

Portugal has an extensive range of double taxation agreements.

Relocating to Portugal, Residence and Citizenship

Portugal is an attractive jurisdiction for relocation purposes through the Portuguese Golden Visa, Digital Nomad and other visa programmes.

Portugal is highly ranked as one of the safest places to live. It is one of the best places for expats to live when considering factors such as; quality of life, ease of settling, personal finance and cost of living and it is ranked highly as one of the best places to retire.

In addition, the Non-Habitual Resident Regime provides a tax-efficient programme for many to benefit from, whereby foreign sourced income may be exempt from taxation, and there may also be limited taxation on Portuguese sourced income derived from high value-added activities.

Dixcart Lisbon office

Why Portugal?

Portugal is a member of the EU, has an extensive network of Double Tax Treaties and offers a favourable Holding Company Regime. The Portuguese Golden Visa, is an attractive regime for non-EU individuals seeking to move their country of residence and the Non-Habitual Regime is also very popular.

Related Articles

  • Portugal Cuts Corporate Tax and Plans to Expand the NHR Scheme

  • Portugal: Tax Breaks & Sunshine

  • Powering Up in Portugal: Government Incentives for Start-ups and Businesses

Portugal – Lisbon office details

Portugal Lda provides expertise to international clients, both companies and individuals, seeking to benefit from the organisation of their activities in Portugal. We also provide services to intermediaries, located in countries around the world, who wish to take advantage of the potential available, in the jurisdiction of Portugal, for their clients.

We manage and control companies in Portugal. The Dixcart Lisbon office also provides advice regarding the statutory obligations of companies in Portugal.

Dixcart Portugal Lda

Rua Carlos Testa, 1, 5.ºC
1050-046 Lisboa

t +351 210 506320
e advice.portugal@dixcart.com