Dixcart in Portugal
Professional services include family office services for individuals as well as corporate structuring and assistance in establishing and managing companies.
Portuguese Offices
Dixcart in Portugal offers a variety of international services from each of the two Dixcart offices located in this country.
The jurisdiction of Portugal offers a number of advantages to international families and companies.
It has an attractive holding company regime and an extensive network of Double Tax Treaties. In addition it offers the Golden Visa, a popular regime for non-EU individuals seeking to move their location of residence and the Non-Habitual Residence Regime offering benefits to EU and non-EU individuals, moving to Portugal, who have not been tax resident there in the previous five years.
Dixcart in Portugal operates from two different offices:
We have an office in Lisbon, mainland Portugal.
Dixcart in Portugal also has an office in Madeira, an island to the south west of mainland Portugal. Companies registered in the International Business Centre of Madeira enjoy a 5% corporate tax rate, guaranteed until 2027.
Dixcart in Portugal offers residence and citizenship services through Dixcart Domiciles and aircraft, ship and yacht registration services, through Dixcart Air Marine.
Significant interest is being demonstrated in the ‘investment route’, one of the Golden Visa options, and as with the other Golden Visa options Dixcart in Portugal has extensive experience in evaluating what is the best route to meet a particular set of circumstances.
The two Dixcart offices extend the choices and opportunities for corporates wishing to be established and/or managed in mainland Portugal or Madeira and also broadens the possibilities and local knowledge for clients seeking to move to Portugal.
Dixcart Lisbon Office
Dixcart Portugal Lda
Rua Carlos Testa, 1, 5°C
1050-046 Lisboa
t +351 210 506320
e advice.portugal@dixcart.com
Dixcart Madeira Office
Dixcart Portugal Lda
Av. do Infante, n° 50
9004-521 Funchal Madeira
t +351 291 225019
e advice.portugal@dixcart.com