165 Archiepiskopou Leontiou A’ Street
3022 Limassol
Professional services include family office services for individuals as well as corporate structuring and assistance in establishing and managing companies.
165 Archiepiskopou Leontiou A’ Street
3022 Limassol
Jake joined the Dixcart Group in 2024 where he works as a Business Development Manager. Having completed his training with EY and with over 5 years of experience in accounting and audit he brings a wealth of technical knowledge on international rules and regulations. Here at Dixcart he uses this to advise clients on all aspects of relocating to Cyprus, including the highly beneficial tax incentives that are available to both individuals and corporate structures.
Jake can assist with the establishment of Cypriot structures, both corporate vehicles and structures for succession planning. He can also assist with the process of re-domiciliation of both existing companies as well as individuals and families. Finally, he guides clients on various tax efficient solutions that might be available in Cyprus.
Jake works closely with the Dixcart in-house compliance team and ensures all necessary Due Diligence and Know Your Customer processes are completed. He also works hand in hand with the administration and accounting team to ensure that the clients expectations are not just met but exceeded.
As part of his role Jake is heavily involved in creating new business relationships as well as strengthening and deepening relationships with existing clients. This often involves a lot of travel to places such as Portugal, Switzerland and the UAE, among other places.
The Dixcart Group provides a variety of professional services including support in private wealth management and corporate advice, with additional expertise in terms of aircraft, ship, and yacht registration.
Dixcart is a family-owned business, and we understand the needs and requirements of families. This allows us to implement the most relevant and effective long-term solutions to preserve and develop their wealth intergenerationally.
Dixcart has also expanded, over the past few years to offer move of residence services, with the establishment of Dixcart Domiciles Limited. The Group also offers serviced offices, with a successful Dixcart Business Centre having been established in Cyprus during the past few years.
Jake is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and is currently working towards his Step Diploma (TEP). In his spare time Jake enjoys an active life, and makes the most of the fantastic weather and scenery that Cyprus has to offer. He has passion for running and will soon be undertaking his first ultra marathon.