3 Rue du Port
PO Box 3083
1211 Geneva 3
Thierry Groppi
Professional services include family office services for individuals as well as corporate structuring and assistance in establishing and managing companies.
Thierry Groppi
Business Development Manager
Thierry Groppi joined the Dixcart office in Switzerland in February 2013, as assistant to the Head of the Swiss office. Thierry carries out business development activities in Switzerland and coordinates the running of the Swiss office. Our Swiss office operates from the key business and financial centre of Geneva, which is vital to meet the demands of international companies, advisers and individuals located worldwide, for whom professional advice is essential.
In terms of qualifications, Thierry has a bachelor’s in business administration from Geneva University and has subsequently undertaken two postgraduate programmes, achieving Chartered Financial Analyst, CFA level 2, and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst, CAIA level 1.
The Swiss office provides several wealth management services in Switzerland. Thierry provides assistance with the incorporation of trusts and foundations and offers advice on family office and wealth management services in Switzerland to both Swiss and international client. Dixcart Trustees (Switzerland) SA is a certified member of Swiss Association of Trust Companies (SATC) and is affiliated to “Association Romande des Intermédiaires Financiers (ARIF),” a Swiss self-regulatory organization officially recognised by the Swiss Federal Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).
Thierry also advises clients on international relocation and various passport programmes around the world, as well as providing international tax planning advice. He also helps individuals wishing to move to Switzerland and advises both EU/EFTA and non-EU/EFTA individuals regarding immigration to Switzerland. In addition, he assists them in applying to pay tax under the Swiss Lump Sum System of Taxation.
He also assists the Managing Director in relation to the formation and administration of Swiss and foreign companies, including Swiss holding companies and Swiss trading companies. Complete management support is provided to these companies, including; bookkeeping, annual accounts, annual returns, value added tax (VAT), payroll, Swiss insurances and social security expertise.
Thierry speakers French and English. He enjoys challenges and his interests include self-development coaching, sport, and philosophy and values.