Moving Abroad – What to Think About!

Why are People More Mobile in their Lifestyle and What are the Options?

Dixcart has extensive experience, in advising individuals around the world regarding potential changes of residence, when family reasons, personal and/or financial, are dictating that a move is desired or would be helpful.

How Can Dixcart Help?

Dixcart has almost fifty years of experience helping clients structure their international wealth and investments with supporting advice on changes of residence and/or citizenship changes.

Support and advice can include:

  • Assistance in choosing the most appropriate country to re-locate to and/or invest into, considering multiple personal and tax efficiency considerations.
  • Wealth management – a review of the most appropriate way to structure wealth internationally, including succession planning.
  • Exploring business ideas and opportunities with tax efficient corporate structures. Dixcart has the relevant accounting, legal and tax expertise to also provide support for the management of these entities.
  • Tax advice for individuals, including expertise regarding the UK remittance basis of taxation, for clients moving to the UK.

Snapshot Summary by Jurisdiction

Please see below, a ‘snapshot’ of what different countries might offer and where Dixcart can offer direct assistance:

  • Cyprus, is within the EU and has an attractive regime for new residents offering a number of benefits, for companies and individuals.
  • Malta has several residence and visa programmes appropriate to different circumstances, each of which offers tax efficiencies. Malta is within the EU. 
  • Portugal is also a member of the EU and offers the Non-habitual Residents Regime (NHR), which is proving very popular with individuals already in Europe and also those from outside Europe. Portuguese companies are being used increasingly for international business and investment.
  • Saint Kitts & Nevis, located in the Caribbean, offers one of the oldest citizenship programmes in the world, and has a very beneficial tax regime for resident individuals and companies.
  • Switzerland is not a member of the EU, but is located in Europe and is a member of the European Free Trade Association (EEFTA). It offers an attractive tax regime for individuals and is world-renowned as a centre for holding companies.
  • United Kingdom – post Brexit the UK has already successfully negotiated trade deals with the EU and 63 other countries, with more deals under negotiation. The UK Remittance Basis of Taxation can offer significant tax advantages for individuals, for up to 15 years of residence.

Action to Consider

If you are considering a move abroad for yourself, or other family members, this can open up significant investment and financial opportunities. We strongly recommend that you take professional advice to discuss any such move and the pre and post planning that should take place.

Dixcart has many years of experience in managing family wealth across a number of countries and coordinating the movement of individuals. Services also include assistance in securing the necessary visas involved and the establishment and/or re-domiciliation of companies

Additional Information

If you would like any additional information on this topic, please speak to Peter Robertson:

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