What is an Isle of Man 2006 Act Company?

The Isle of Man Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) introduced what is commonly referred to as the New Manx Vehicle (NMV). Companies incorporated under the Isle of Man Companies Act 2006 provide a more modern and dynamic form of corporate entity than those constituted under the more traditional Isle of Man Companies Act 1931.

Whilst the NMV has been with us for almost 20 years, clients and their advisers often ask about the CA 2006 Company’s features and when they offer a more appropriate solution. We hope that this short overview offers a starting point, but always welcome any questions clients and advisers may have.

Why Incorporate your Company in the Isle of Man?

The Isle of Man is ‘whitelisted’ by the OECD in recognition of the Island’s commitment and leadership in improving transparency and establishing effective exchange of information in tax matters. The Island is globally regarded as a well-regulated offshore financial centre and enjoys strong relationships with all major banking institutions. Further, the Island offers a blend of business-friendly and politically agnostic government, enduring legislation, reliable Case Law and a very beneficial tax regime. Headline rates of taxation include:

  • 0% Corporate Tax
  • 0% Capital Gains Tax
  • 0% Inheritance Tax
  • 0% Withholding Tax on Dividends
  • The Isle of Man is in a customs union with the UK, and Isle of Man companies can register for VAT in the UK

For more a quick overview of the Isle of Man as a jurisdiction and why it is a great choice for incorporating your international Corporate Structure, please see the video below:

Features of the Isle of Man 2006 Act Company

The Isle of Man Companies Act 2006 offers an administratively streamlined corporate vehicle that significantly reduces the bureaucratic burden of operating an Isle of Man Company. For instance, the Act only requires simplified reporting and minimal meetings to sanction certain actions.

Isle of Man CA 2006 Companies also allow for greater flexibility in their Corporate Governance, for example, there may be a single individual or Corporate Director and there is no requirement for a Company Secretary. However, a Registered Agent must be appointed at all times, which you can read about here.

Further, you can now re-register an Isle of Man CA 2006 Company to a CA 1931 Company.

Common uses for NMV Companies

The CA 2006 Company’s Objects are not restricted, and therefore the entity can undertake any lawful activity required, subject to the Risk Appetite of the selected Trust & Corporate Service Provider.

Whilst the Company can pursue any activity, there some common uses of the NMV:

  1. Equity Holding
  2. Private Investment
  3. Luxury Asset Holding e.g. Superyachts
  4. Real Estate Holding

You can read more about Isle of Man Companies here.

How can Dixcart Assist?

Choosing the right Trust & Corporate Services Provider is vital to the success of your structuring. Dixcart Management (IOM) Ltd is a well-established Trust & Corporate Services Provider that is Licensed and Regulated on the Isle of Man and is a member of the Dixcart Group. The Dixcart Group remains proudly privately owned by the same family after more than 50 years.

Our long-standing industry presence underscores our proficiency in navigating the complexities of corporate management and governance.

Contact us

If you require further information regarding the use of Isle of Man Corporate entities or Trusts, please feel free to get in touch with David Walsh at Dixcart: advice.iom@dixcart.com

Alternatively, you can connect with David on Linkedin.

Dixcart Management (IOM) Limited is Licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority

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